
5900 Andover Ave. bur. 1
Montréal, Québec H4T 1H5

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500-06-000859-179 – DENIS GAUTHIER V. DAVID BAAZOV


Deadline to file a claim:


Potential Individual Reward:

$50 with proof of purchase

$12 without proof of purchase

Total Settlement Amount:

$3 million




Le 7 août 2020, la Cour supérieure du Québec (la « Cour ») a autorisé l’exercice d’une action collective au nom de toutes les personnes et entités qui ont acheté des valeurs mobilières d’Amaya entre le 1er février 2016 et le 21 novembre 2016 inclusivement (la « Période de l’action collective »), et ont détenu la totalité ou une partie de ces valeurs mobilières jusqu’après la rectification publique du 22 novembre 2016 (l’« Action Collective »).

Le défendeur et les membres de sa famille immédiate sont exclus du groupe.

The Plaintiff in the Class Action alleged that the Defendant would have made statements in public documents containing misrepresentations relating to a potential going-private transaction involving Amaya. Le demandeur dans le cadre de cette action collective a allégué que le défendeur aurait fait de fausses déclarations dans des documents publics concernant une possible transaction de privatisation impliquant Amaya. En particulier, le demandeur a allégué que les rapports d’alerte du défendeur datés du 1er février 2016 et du 14 novembre 2016 auraient contenu de fausses déclarations (les « Documents Contestés »).

Le défendeur a nié et continue de nier toutes les réclamations et allégations d’actes répréhensibles formulées par le demandeur dans cette Action Collective.

Les parties se sont entendues sur un Règlement de l’Action Collective, sans aucune admission de responsabilité de la part du défendeur et pour éviter les dépenses supplémentaires, les inconvénients et la distraction d’un litige fastidieux, sous réserve de l’approbation de la Cour. Les modalités du Règlement proposé sont énoncées ci-dessous. LES MODALITÉS DU RÈGLEMENT PROPOSÉ ET DU PLAN DE RÉPARTITION PROPOSÉ

The Terms of the Proposed Settlement and Proposed Plan of Allocation

Le Règlement prévoit, entre autres, le paiement par le défendeur d’un montant de 1,8 million de dollars canadiens (le « Montant du Règlement ») pour résoudre, régler, libérer et acquitter entièrement, définitivement et de façon permanente, toutes les réclamations ou allégations qui ont été formulées ou qui auraient pu être formulées contre lui dans le cadre de l’Action Collective. The Settlement Amount, less the lawyers’ fees of Class Counsel and disbursements, administration expenses, and taxes (the “Net Settlement Amount”), if approved by the Court, will be distributed to the Class in accordance with a court-approved Plan of Allocation. The proposed Settlement Agreement and Plan of Allocation may be viewed at www.faguyco.com/class-actions/baazov or www.bergermontague.ca/cases/david-baazov/.

The proposed Plan of Allocation provides for an asymmetrical allocation of the settlement proceeds to Class members. The allocation is consistent with Class Counsel’s view regarding the relative legal merits of the two Impugned Documents, based on an assessment of the available evidence. composée des valeurs mobilières achetées le 14 novembre 2016 et après cette date (la « Catégorie II »). Par conséquent, le Montant Net du Règlement sera réparti, sous réserve de l’approbation de la Cour, à 15 % à la Catégorie I et à 85 % à la Catégorie II. As a result, the Net Settlement Amount will be allocated, subject to Court approval, 15% to Class I and 85% to Class II.

If the Settlement is approved, a further notice will be published which will include instructions on how Class Members can file Claim Forms to participate in the distribution of the Net Settlement Amount and the deadline for doing so.

The Settlement provides that if it is approved by the Court, the claims of all Class Members which were asserted or which could have been asserted in the Class Action, will be fully and finally released and discharged.

The Approval Hearing

The Court will be asked to approve the proposed Settlement Agreement and the lawyers’ fees of Class Counsel, disbursements, expenses and taxes at a hearing to be held on October 30, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. at the Montréal Courthouse located at 1 Notre-Dame Street East courtroom 16.12. L’entente de Règlement et le plan de répartition proposés peuvent être consultés sur les sites Web des avocats du groupe : https ://www.faguyco.com/class-actions/baazov?lang=fr ou www.bergermontague.ca/cases/david-baazov/.

Class Members who do not oppose the proposed Settlement are not required to appear at the hearing or take any other action at this time to indicate their desire to participate in the proposed Settlement. Class Members who oppose the proposed Settlement may have their opposition heard by filing an Objection (see “Objections” below). Class Members who consider it desirable or necessary to seek the advice and guidance of their own lawyers may do so at their own expense.

Class Members may attend the Approval Hearing whether or not they deliver an Objection. The Court may permit Class Members to participate in the Approval Hearing whether or not they delivered an Objection. Class Members who wish for a lawyer to speak on their behalf at the Approval Hearing may retain one to do so at their own expense.


At the Approval Hearing, the Court will consider any Objections to the proposed Settlement by the Class Members if the Objections are submitted in writing, by prepaid mail or email no later than October 13, 2023 to Paiements Velvet Payments Inc., 5900 Andover Ave, Suite 1, Montréal, Québec H4T 1H5, Email: aya@velvetpayments.com, Attention: Baazov Class Action.

A written Objection can be submitted in English or French and must include the following information:

  1. the objector’s full name, current mailing address, telephone number and email address (as may be available);
  2. the number of shares purchased during, and held at the close of the Class Period;
  3. a copy of (i) all confirmation slips in respect of trading by the objector in Amaya securities during the Class Period or (ii) all monthly statements of account containing information in respect of trading by the objector in Amaya securities during the Class Period;
  4. a brief statement of the nature of and reasons for the objection; and
  5. whether the objector intends to appear at the hearing in person or by counsel, and, if by counsel, the name, address, telephone number and email address of counsel.


Lawyers’ Fees of Class Counsel, Disbursements and Taxes

The lawyers for the Class Members will ask the Court to approve legal fees in the amount of thirty (30) percent of CAD $1.8 million, plus disbursements, plus taxes. This fee request is consistent with the retainer agreement entered into between Class Counsel and the representative Plaintiff at the beginning of the litigation. As is customary in such cases, Class Counsel conducted the Class Action on a contingent-fee basis. Class Counsel has not been paid as the matter has proceeded, has paid all of the expenses of conducting the litigation, and has borne all of the risk of adverse cost awards.

The approval of the Settlement is not contingent on the approval of the Class Counsel Fees requested. The Settlement may still be approved even if the requested Class Counsel Fees are not approved.

Notice to Brokerage Firms

Please deliver this notice by email to your clients who purchased Amaya securities during the Class Period and for whom you have valid email addresses. If you have clients who purchased Amaya securities during the Class Period for whom you do not have valid email addresses, please contact the Administrator to obtain hard copies of this notice for the purpose of mailing the notice to those clients. Brokerage firms may collectively request up to an aggregate of $15,000 for the expenses relating to the distribution of this notice to the Class Members. If the amounts submitted in aggregate exceed $15,000, each brokerage firm’s claim shall be reduced on a pro rata basis.

For more information on the class action:

Please visit the webpage dedicated to this class action on the class counsel’s website: https://www.lexgroup.ca/classaction/mgm-resorts-international-data-breach-quebec-class-action/ or contact the class counsel at the following coordinates (your name and any information provided will be kept confidential):

Lex Group Inc.


Velvet Payments Class Action Services​
5900 Andover Ave. Suite 1
Montreal, Quebec
H4T 1H5
Courriel : aya@velvetpayments.com
Phone: 1-888-770-6892

Faguy & Co.
329 de la Commune West, Suite 200
Montréal, Québec H4T 1H5
Tel: 514.285.8100
Email: mdhellencourt@faguyco.com


Berger Montague (Canada) PC
330 Bay Street, Suite 1302
Toronto, ON M5H 2S8
Tel: 647.598.8772 ext 2
Email: info@bergermontague.ca


For assistance, you may contact the Claims Administrator or class counsel:

Lex Group Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions

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500-06-000859-179 – DENIS GAUTHIER V. DAVID BAAZOV